Monday, May 31, 2010

animation doubts :S

I'm having pretty big doubts about my animation. I've almost finished animating each individual scene and after viewing them all together I'm pretty disappointed with what I saw - it basically just goes between a walk and run cycle with different backgrounds! If *I* think that then I shudder to think what others will view it as.

I'm not sure if I change the storyline so late in the game (and I'm not sure why this didn't occur to me earlier on!) - I'd have to change it and then re-animate sections I've already done, which in turn will put me behind in everything else I have to do so I guess I'll just have to stick with it and see what I can do to fix it (maybe will music/sound FX, although to be honest I don't think that can save it now :S).

Sunday, May 30, 2010

An update is well overdue (Sorry! I've been VERY busy working on the animation)

The animation has been going well, I've finished two out of the five scenes (well, basically three, but there's a problem with the third one that I need help to fix). One of the scenes took FOREVER to do because I couldn't get fire that looked decent - it looks fine NOW, but it took a while to get there!
Other than that it's been smooth sailing. I'm on track with almost everything :D

I hope to have the entire animation finished by Tuesday at the latest so then I start putting together my flash folio.

That's about all the news I have at the moment, make sure you visit our
facebook page to see more updates!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

More to share

It's been a busy couple of weeks working on the promotional package and the animation so I haven't had much time to update this blog (or the other blog for my faux animation company).

Since I last posted an update I have completed the preliminary promotional package (including promotional posters, a DVD cover and a disk label for the DVD) -you can check out the final images on the Elipante Animations Facebook Group.

(Left to Right: DVD Cover, Cupcake Promotional Poster, DVD Disk Label) - Check out the other promotional posters on the Elipante Animations Facebook Group

In addition to finishing the promotional package I've been working on the animation. I've completed the first scene (not with sound FX though - I'm going to add them last*), and I've begun to animate the next couple of scenes.
*I have found almost all of the sound FX I need (although I'm still looking for some background music).
So that's pretty much all I've been up to! It doesn't sound like much, but working on the animation is verrrry time consuming :P